Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"Learning Styles Dont Exist" Youtube video

The argument that this psychologist presents concerning the lack of truth associated with a typically accepted theory of learning styles is convincing. However, it is undisputable that certain students may be able to retain different types of information more readily even if it is simply because the sense that assimilates the information is functioning more effectively than others. An example would be a student understands visual content more so than audio content simply becuase they can more readily recall visual items, possibly due to a more effective brain-to-eye connection or maybe becuase they have better vision compared to their hearing. Definently some pseudo science involved in this idea, but there are many aspects of the brain that are not understood. Hopefully, I will be priveliged enough to see some of the great mysteries of science uncovered and confirmed within my lifetime.

"Fairy Use" Fair Use and copyright laws

Fair Use and Copyright laws have interesting historical roots. Who really knows the first time that someone got upset because someone took credit for someone else's work, but capitalist society has become more and more concerned with ownership of objects and ideas since that first moment. To the point now where sometimes harmless use of someone else's idea or picture can lead to serious legal implications because, frankly, people do not like to lose out on money that could potentially be in their pocket. To me it becomes a problem of ambitions, people who were once proud of merely creating a wonderful idea are now more focused on the monetary gain that can be had from their endeavor. I imagine that Socrates would not be up in arms over the use of the Socratic method, but rather be ecstatic that people have used his idea as a basis for inquiry for centuries. What is interesting about the technological age is that a lot of these barriers are being pulled down because the sharing of information is so much more efficient and easy. I think that actual products will always be under copyright laws, but regulation of the sharing of information is on the verge of becoming so difficult, it is almost unrealistic that the courts will be able to keep up with the reproduction of information.