Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Aunthenticity of News Broadcast lesson

The authenticity of this lesson is supported primarily by being extremely student centered and relevant to current technologies. There was very little teacher involvement outside of the initial setup for the activity. Student's who had more experience in producing the newscast explained and assisted students that were new to the process; resulting in a more effective academic experience for all. During the production of the broadcast the students were exposed to word processing technology, video and video editing technology, and cinematography skills--all of which give these students a large head start in the process of learning to use and effectively utilize the technology available to them. Student-centered and student led learning make this lesson effective throughout. In my opinion, this is one of the best elementary lesson's I have ever seen in action. I am doubtful that the activity initially went as smoothly as the video demonstrates, but getting young students to work nearly independently towards a goal, and keep their interest in it, is impressive.

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