Wednesday, May 26, 2010

compare and contrast veiws of technology in college students vs. K-12 students

Technology in the college setting versus it's application within the K-12 setting varies greatly. I think the issue of technological savvy and literacy in the K-12 setting is really an issue of time, resources, and lack of teachers adequately trained and able in using and discovering new useful technologies for pedagogy. As more knowledge is gathered and more technology is available for use, expecially if a school district is trying to embrace all of these new ideas and technologies, it spreads the staff and curriculum thinner and thinner. This is not to say that new ideas should not be embraced, but school districts must re-evaluate how much they are actually able to teach and what is worth while to teach both from a curriculum standpoint and a applied technologies standpoint. Obviously, this is difficult to do with technology because it is constantly evolving--what was relevent software to know today may be obsolete a week later.
Technology in the university is obviously much more prevelent, used and appreciated, but the question is for what purpose? Most students use the technological resources around them to do several things primarily; keep up with friends(facebook), communicate(skype etc..), and access free information (sometimes) and media(much more prevalent). Often times, obviously it depends on the area of study, technology is much more prevelent in our recreation time than in our academic time and, much like the k-12 situation, the technology we learn to use today may or may not(most likely the latter) be relevent in our careers due to the creation of more useful things.
It is ironic that it seems that technology is often used too often as a distractor in a university students life, versus used for academic purposes. while it is not used enough in the k-12 curriculum, due to lack of knowledge of relevent applications. Clearly, at both levels the usefulness of technology ought to be further embraced, hopefully resulting in further cultivation of our k-12 students ability to use the internet and find relevent items as a means to increase productive use at the college level.

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